Thursday, April 9, 2015

Dinner Blog: 2

For dinner on Wednesday April 9th my friends and I decided to go to the Palisades for the first time! Luck for me it was Italy night, and I got to eat foods and drink wines that were familiar to me.

The three wines pictured on the left:

La Carraia Orvieto Classico (2013)
Tiamo Chianti (2013)
Bonaventura Rosso Toscano (2009)

The foods we tried were:

Potato Gnochhi
Braised Chicken
Taste of Italy Pizza

My notes from the dinner:

La Carria Orvieto Classico -
I tasted a lot of pear in the wine and before I even read in the description that there was apple was surprised how much of the apple I could taste! I enjoyed that the wine was not too sweet.  I found that the wine paired perfectly with any of the foods on the table because of how light it was.  I particularly enjoyed it with the Gnochhi.

Tiamo Chianti -
This Chianti tasted incredibly oaky.  The color was lighter than I thought a Chiani normally would be. It also kind of tasted like a bonfire. I thought this wine was my favorite of the three and that it paired perfectly with each of the entrees!

Bonaventura Rosso Toscano -
This wine was my least favorite of the bunch.  I thought that it was a little too strong for my taste, but interesting that I could taste so much of the licorice coming through.  Since I didn't like it I tried not to drink as much but interestingly enough I thought that the strong taste paired well with the pizza.

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